[Head First Design Patterns] Factory Pattern
12 Apr 2022
Factory Pattern
- to solve the problem about complexity by using
conditional if/else
- to encapsulate the object creation to another component, to make it easy for changing, understanding and modifying
- to follow the
single responsibilty principle
- every object/function only handles one thing and always only has one reason to change
- Factory pattern defines an interface for creating an object, but lets subclass decides which class to initiate. It lets a class defer instantiation to subclass
- Decoupling
Products class
and Creators class
- 3 types of factory patterns
1) Simple Factory
2) Factory Method
3) Abstract Factory
Design principles
Dependency Inversion Principle
: depend upon abstraction, do not depend upon concrete classes (high level modules should not depend on low level modules; both should depend on abstractions)
- The idea is just letting to other classes implement object creation against on provided parameters
- source code